Sunday, November 21, 2010

Viikko Viisitoista

Today was a crazy and long day, but a good day! Although we didn't have school today, I woke up early because Sanni had to take the only morning bus from her house to Hämeenkyrö. So we hung out at my house until Jonna's mom was taking us to Laura's house around 11:00 for her birthday party. I made Salmiakki rice crispy treats cause I couldn't find the regular marshmellows, at first (I found them later, but already had these so... plus I was curious what these American treats would taste like with a Finnish twist to them. (They were just okay, but I think that's because I used way to much butter and marshmellows) We then went to Laura's house, had awsome cake that Sanni made, pizza that she made too. Then played some a game (sorta like the crinkled paper game but without the crinkled paper) that was fun, and I got to use a lot of my finnish! Then we watched The Grudge 3, it was freaky!!! I'd seen the first two Grudges and the second one was really bad, so I figured that the 3rd one would be really bad too... well it wasn't!!! (or maybe it was just because I underestimated it) After that we headed to the bus stop for Tampere. We shopped and ate at HESBURGER!!! The lady taking my order immediatly knew I wasn't Finnish so she switched to English... ugh. I don't get it, I was with all these Finns... what ever, then we shopped some more, there was a store in one mall named ''Your Face'' I thought that was hilarious, next time I'm taking a picture! Took the 8:30 bus back to Hämeenkyrö, So by the time I got off the bus and walked home it was 9:15 and I was really wet. But other than that it was a really great day!

I woke up late cause I didn't have class till 10, I was so jelious of the cats!!! They were just sprawled out on couches... not worrying about getting to school on time or anything! Got my butt to school and did school things. After school Markku picked me up and we went to the bus station to get my bus card, because when I move, I'll be taking a bus to school! Later that day I went to a Rotary meeting, they talked to me about the News paper artical, they were upset that Rotary wasnt mentioned at all! I was too, cause in the interview I mentioned it over and over, I also mentioned all my families that I'll be staying with, a lot, cause I wanted them to be in the artical too. But nope. If I ever get another chance I'll find a way, maybe by asking for them to put a thank you in... Anyway, also they had me talk at the rotary dinner, and after they decided that they would take another rotary student next year, (they said it's cause I've been so good : P)

Today was mostly normal. After school I went to Tokmanni to pick up a picture frame, then headed to the local picture printing place to get a picture printed for the frame. I was going to give it to the Honkilahti's, It was a picture of all of us eatting dinner. I succefully understood the women in the shop, and came back in a half-hour to pick the pictures up (I printed one for me too) I like the shop, it reminded me of Kristy's only not produce, pictures, there was a husband and wife working, a dog, and i'm pretty sure the daughter too. Later was Puhallica, I got a ride with Eija, so that was nice. When Anssi came home that night he came with a box from America! Yeah!!!

Snow today!!! It's funny cause in the morning, I thought to myself: should I wear my boots... nahh it's not gonna snow! Put my sneakers on and went outside, closed the door, THEN realized that it WAS snowing!!! But I didn't feel like going back to change my shoes. School was school, I gave my Bio presentation (in Finnish) I used the vocabulary of a 3 year old to tell about X-chromosome resessive gene disorders (like red-green color blindness, and hemophilia.) Then in psycology we had another presentation. I talked about the type of sleep disorder where you act out violent dreams, by kicking and moving you legs and arms... that was a group project, and my part was like a sentance long. Study hall, I rode my bike in the snow to Kyröskoski to get my bus card. When I got there, all I had to say was eilin (yesterday) and the lady gose 'bussi kortti?' bus card? 'yup' I said, and she handed it over and I was on my way back to school. Dance course was with the new teacher. It was more like arobic class, but I didn't mind. I felt like mom! On the ride home, I got off my bike the place that the last time I almost fell down the hill, cause... well I didn't want to fall! Soon there were these two little girls asking me something about my bike... I'm not really sure what. And after a couple words from me, the one girl gose ''I from Finland'' Busted! They caught me. But for about a kilometer we walked and talked. They were 9, didn't like school, liked snow cause you could slide in it, but wished this snow was the type you could make balls with... I told them about New York, my family, friends, things like that. Then we we different ways and I was back on my bike, and home.

Sleep in!!! I packed a bit cause tomorow I'm going to move. Did laundry and stuff. I wanted to get to school for lunch, but again my laundry wouldn't dry fast enough, and I had bottles to return. So I got there a bit late for lunch, but I sat down with them and broke out the reeses peanut butter cups i'd talked about, and the silly bands. That was pretty funny! After school, I hung out until Eija got home. There was some banquet that we would be going to tonight, but both of us had forgotten what time Anssi had said, so around 5:00 we just started playing dress-up. (We later found out it was at 7:00) I spent more time getting ready for this than I did for prom last year!!! But it was fun. And by the time we were finnished, we both looked fabulous! The banquet was a lot of fun. It was all older people, but I didn't mind. Amazing food!!! Eija and Anssi said it was Christmas food! Well I can't wait for that!!! Then there was a scotish-ish band that played (they were wearing kilts soo...) And after they were done, the broke out the karioki! Pushed away the tables and stated to dance. By the end there was just maybe 12 people. I sang ''You aint Nothing but a Hound Dog'' Haha and they all got up and danced, so funny! Then this one man talked to me. He had visited the Penn, New York, great lake area. He said he really likes America, all the people there are so friendly and ready to help. And he liked that when a school bus was stopped all the cars on the road had to stop, and he like that someplaces when school was in, they had a blinking sign that changed the speedlimit slower, and he also like Motells and how cheep they were for really nice rooms! These were just some of the things. We left around 2:30 and headed home, Antti was home from a hard week in the army. They had ''attacked'' this small town, then the towns people randomly found tear gas, so they all got tear gased! K so I found this extremly funny but that's cause I wasn't the one who got tear gassed!

After such a long night, I had to drag myself out of bed! But I had things to do! Anssi and I went to SMarket, then the reak market, had pancakes there, baught musta makkara, then the bakery. Once home we ate, I gave them the picture, then I finnished packing. I can't belive how much stuff I have, I don't even thing I bought all that much... maybe it's cause my packing was really bad, I didn't fold all that well... Anyway then we all just lounged in the living room waiting. My next host parents came, we loaded everything up I gave hugs and thank you's then we were on our way. After getting settled we went to the store to get taco stuff!!! Yummy! Sauna that night. And bed, I was so tired!

Woke up, tried to sleep in as long as possible but it didn't work too well, I was up 9:30. My sister Roosa was out still. Had breakfast, then hung out... lunch then they heard that there was a pikku joulu parade (little christmas) in Tampere! So we went to that. It was such a cute parade (little) smaller than the Castleton parade, but it was really cute and very nice! After some shopping and seeing joulupukki (santa) he gave us chocolate!!! yumm. We headed home for skyping with Sonja! That was awsome! She talked about the gallons size of milk! Thats one of the things I noticed too! haha Then I skyped with Shelby and Josh!!! That was sooo much fun! That was a good hour, hour and a half of my life extremly WELL spent!!! Then we stayed up late seeing who Finnland voted off Big Brother, it was Elisabet, one of my favorites, but I guess it's hard to choose when you don't really know what they are saying... Anyway school tomorow!!! Taking a bus, using my awsome bus card!!!

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