Monday, November 1, 2010

Viikko Kaksitoista

Today was my first day at school since two Thursdays ago... yeah... Anssi woke me up as usual, but because I had been sleeping in longer and longer as the mornings got shorter and shorter, it came as a huge shock to me when I had to wake up so early and in the pitch black (unlike two Thursdays ago when there was a decent amount of light/sun at 7:30 in the morning) I thought "Why is Anssi waking me up in the middle of the night?" yeah It was 7:30, I don't know if I'm stressing how crazy it was to me... but it was! But in the end it was nice going back to school. (Got there by the light of the stratigically placed street lights) by stratigically I really mean everywhere. Hurried home after school for another exciting adventure to Ylöjärvi! This time I decided I'd just wave at all the buses even if it might be the express bus that wont pick me up, cause it might be the right bus (cause there are any distinctions that I can see) so I don't want to miss ther right bus just cause I didn't want to wave and have it not stop for me (if that makes much since) ANYWAY so I wave to what I thought was the express bus, I was cause the bus driver just waved back and kept on driving (ha love it!) My lesson went really well and Ismo said that our lessons don't have to be just an hour long "cause if you're going to take a bus all the way here and back..." so I stayed much longer and that worked out really well cause then I didn't have to wait in the cold as long as I did the time before! And this time I pressed the stop button at the right place so it was only a few meters to my bike! Yeah mastered the bus route! haha

Sleep in a bit today, very nice! (cause Tuesdays = class dosn't start till 10ish) Pea soup for lunch!!! You wouldn't think it but it's one of my favorite dishes... it's like a pea purre of amazingness! In biology I was busy finding out everyone's birthday and favorite color, I mean that's related to the subject right?... Anyway I found out one of my friends Joona was born on Christmas! WOW LIKE JESUS!!! Then I went to the Rotary meeting. There was this women presenter today. She was from a food company and had a whole presentation about that, and at the end of the presentation she had a taste test thing. Cup A, B, C, and D were each filled with a different type/brand of... wait for it... beer! Yes I was tasting beer at the rotary meeting (who are the very people who made the rule about me not drinking) I just thought that was ironic... Anyway, so you had to rank the beers in order of what you liked the most, and you could try to match the cup with the kind of beer it was (she had the four types of beers that were in the test on the board) I didn't even try that, but 4 of the rotarians correctly matched them all! WOW now I'd call that talent!

MUSTA MAKKARA for lunch!!! Yeah this week has been an awesome lunch week so far! Nummi numi!!! And I guess other than Puhallica, it looking like midnight when I was going to school (which for some reason is reminding me of Michigan... hmmm not exactly sure why), I found out that there's a baby Hannah puppy dog at my house in New York! and the fact that I'm in Finland!, it was just a regular day today... wow that sounds funny... : just a regular day in Finland... yup same old Finland... oh yeah good ol' Finland... haha I could go on forever (except I really can't, which is why I stopped... I couldn't think of anymore and struggled to think up that last one) ... : P Okay then... TORSTAI!

"Huomenna on perjantai!" (tomorow is Friday) that was the phrase of the day today. No matter where you go, kids in school like the weekends! Oh today I was late for class for the first time of the year! And I had to knock on the door and wait those couple terrifying seconds untill the teacher opened the door for me. I've noticed some teachers wait a little longer before they go open the door for a tardy student. But luckily I was just a tiny bit late for my Psycology class, the teacher there is super nice and didn't mind at all that I was a bit late. I know Mom and Dad you're wondering ''Why were you late Paige?'' Well I was talking to the music teacher, Johanna, about playing with her at somepoint, since the first day of school she's talked about accompaning me, I thought I had enought time to hand her the music and discuss a few points, but I forgot that she's a talkative Finn... so that's why I was late for class. : P

PERJANTAI!!! yeah! My all-time favorite day this period cause not dose it mean the weekend is so close I can smell it, but it also means I don't have to go to school until lunch or if I don't feel like a free lunch till after lunch, (but who wouldn't want a free lunch? I mean really) So I sleep in than ran some errans before heading into school for a free lunch. It was some beef slices in a sauce that you put ontop of rice. My friend Iina had told me about it Thursday, it's her favorite dish, but she couldn't really explain it so I just had to see for myself, only she said later that it wasn't the same today cause it was with rice and not potatoes... but it would have tasted great either way! I got home and just hung out, a chill day! I also stayed up late to watch Big Brother (I hadn't watched that in a while and I think I missed something cause there was a giant chicken walking around the house, and it'd randomly sit on people and pretend to 'peck' them... I'm not really sure who was inside but you don't need to know any finnish to know that it was funny!)

Another chill day, Antti was home and told me that the days are now 2 hours shorter... wow no wonder I'm so tired, and the hours that the sun is up, It's been cloudy so it still seems like it's dark! I went to the Kirputori today, just to see what's what. I came home with a sweet yellow jacket and an awesome belt with a big belt buckle! I've been wanting a belt with a rediculously big belt buckle for a while now, so finding one for 1.5€ was just iceing on the cake, I love that place! That night Eija and I watched a movie with Amanda Bines in it ''Lovewrecked'' It's weird cause it said it came out in 2005, so I was wondering why I had never even heard of it... but after watching it I understood, not one of her best works. I debaited about staying up till 1:30 in the morning to watch the scary Halloween movie that Eija said was super scary, but decided that I didn't feel like staying up until 3:30 just to watch the whole thing, and then who knows if I'd be able to get to sleep!

It was a good thing I didn't stay up that late last night cause today was a busy day, I was tired already from the lack of sun, and... and yeah that's all I got. Today was the day that Finland turns back their clocks an hour to save daylight. I thought that was tomorow, so I got up at what I thought was 9:30 only to be informed it was 8:30... ugh, anyway it was Halloween, so I put on my birthday tiarra (that thankfully I brought) Eija called me the princess of Halloween the entire day! I kept forgeting I had it on so I was like... why are people looking at me weird... I must be looking good today haha! And we went all over the place. First to a local man's house, he had asked about me playing with their band for an up coming concert. He talked about them playing old Finnish folk songs and I was hooked! I want to learn that stuff so badly! Later that day I found out there's a Rotary happening occuring on the same day so hopefully they will let me be excussed from that so I can take part in the folkyness! Then we went to Nokia to visit Mummu, and I learned why coffee is such an important thing in Finland (to keep you up when the sun is being lazy) Then Eija and I walked around Tampere while Anssi had a meeting, I think it was 6:00ish or something, compleatly dark, I kept forgetting how early it was and continued to be surprised at how many people where walking around! The city also had put up a bunch of decrative lights! I'm told they are light for a couple weeks now when it's so dark and dreary, then they turn off until CHRISTMAS time!!! They were really pretty! THEN, Anssi picked us up and we went to a hockey game! First hockey game in Finland! It wasn't a pro game, but it wasn't a not pro-game... Kalle (the groom of the wedding I went to) was playing, and his team won!!! Yeah! The best parts were when the players slamed up against the sides of the rink, sometimes really hard, Eija and I would just laugh, and than sometimes the players would just push eachother around, that was funny too. Oh and they drive Zambonies the same way here, couple times around the outside than down the middle. I always wondered why they didnt just keep going around and around, but now it makes since to me. It's suddenly clear.

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