Happy Valentines day!!! Here it is called Ystävän Päivä, or Close Friend day, so it's more about friendship then single awarness. My friend brought baked goods in, and we ate them all! Yum. The younger kids in the school were all running around with a big paper heart on a string around their neck, then they would hug each other and have the people that hugged them, sign their paper. It was a cute idea! There was a new girl in school today, she was in my first class. It was weird because I kept asking throughout the day who she was and if she was new or not. No one knew! So weird, because back at my high school it only takes 3 minutes flat for the entire school to know every basic detail about a new student, and my old high school is about 3 times the size of this school. I finally found out last class of the day when the teacher talked to her about getting the school books, so I concluded from that, that she would be studing here, and I guess everyone else did too. Lesson later that day. New bus driver! hmmm wonder what happened to my favorite one? The lesson was great, at the bus stop for home, I'm usually alone waiting, but this time an army boy came to wait too. Weird, but it would be a long wait so I decided to try and start a conversation, It was -30ish degress C, so I jokingly said in my Finnish 'It's just a little cold'.... Nothing, he said nothing back!!! I was so confused... did that really just happen... not even a nod or chuckle... wha... so it was quiet, I was dumbfounded... The bus came, we got on, later I got off, and went back home... wow happy Valentines day!
I had gotten a package from Nana and Pop yesterday with Valentines stuff, so I passed that stuff out at school today, Valentines continues!!! haha The new girl sat next to me in English today, she seems really cool, and oddly not shy. We all chated and didn't do any work because the teacher was out so fun was on the agenda! Bus home and two younger girls got off with Roosa and I, usually it's just Roosa and I and sometimes another boy who walks the other direction from the bus stop. We got ahead of them and Roosa told me that they were 7th graders who wanted to go to Silvi a hamburger joint I haven't been to, but it's by SMarket, about 8 kilometers from my house. I guess they just forgot and accidently rode the bus all the way out here... odd! And it was cold, I wonder if they made it. Got a package from Mom and Dad today! yeah Valentines continues with conversational hearts! Then Roosa and I baked becasue Susanna's father and girlfriend was supposed to come over for coffee, but something was wrong with their car, so we just had to eat all we baked ourselves... oh no! : P
Today we had Dance practice in the morning at the second school we will be dancing at. And for one really easy dance we had to choose a partner from the school, like 11 or 12 year olds. My partner was Laase, maybe 4 feet tallish... but he was really cool, had three pircings in one ear! It was just a little awkward with the height difference, but fun anyway! Then we headed back to school. Henriikka and I went to get something to drink at SMarket, I saw Eija in the check out line! Yeah! Then school, after school was gym, but the 3rd graders were decorating the gym for their Penkkarit, tomorow, so we ended early because who can really spend 75mins in a weight room without going crazy! Then started my adventure to Rotary Theater Night in Tampere. Hopped on a bus, did some shopping for the dance before going to the Theater. We saw Lekaa ja Leivoksia, a comedy. I understood most of what was going on, and it helpped that I had looked it up before hand. Lots of fun! Great evening!!! And I noticed that most of the time in the play they used the written form of Finnish, not slang spoken... I wonder why that is.
Penkkarit today!!! It's the 3rd graders last day of classes, so they decorated the gym, and TP'ed the halls. They taped funny quotes that the teachers had said on those teachers doors. We spent a while reading those, then all filed into the gym where all the 3rd graders were dressed as super heros, and mocked the teachers. They had teachers vs. students test, they had the math teacher and a student do a math problem, and it was set that the student knew the answer and so answered the question really fast, making the teacher look dumb. Same thing with the English teacher. Then when they decided the teacher had suffered enough, the sent them to a 'jail' the whole thing was actually really elaborate! Then they had teachers to realay races against eachother, and a mystery date one, my math teacher asked 3 'mystery ladys' questions through a screen about different things, then had to choose one to go on a 'date' with, he choose my biology teacher, and they had to tango to the weirdest music. So funny!!! Then the cute baby picture slide show of all the 3rd graders. Then they went out and threw tons of candy all over the school, TONS AND TONS, I was picking candy up all day. Then a moive they had put together of their time in this school. Then they all got in two decorated trucks and threw candy at us from there too, then the trucks drove all around the town so they could celebrate... But it was really cold that day so I don't know how they could stand to be in the back of trucks like that!!! Then a dress rehersal for out Elder's dance (Vanhojen Tanssi, which might be spelt with a W and not a V... not really sure anymore) Then waiting... couldn't wait, I was so excited for the dance!!!
YEAH!!!! It's finally here!!! We have been practicing since before Christmas, and now it's here and actually happening. I woke up and got ready, we had to be at school 9:30, Markku picked me up because Susanna had work. I saw Sanni's Dad's van in the school lot, and she was in it, waiting for Jonna, so I jumpped in and we watched all the other dancers arrive in their dresses and hair all did up. So exciting!!! Lots of picture taking, and celebrating, we are now the oldest of the school! We first preforemed for the 1st graders and the middle school. Dancing went well, my dress worked really well, it only could have been a bit wider at the bottom for a longer step capablity. Then we ate, all very worried about getting food on our dresses, then got on a bus to the other school we danced there, then went home to wait for the night dance, the real one, that all our parents were coming for. I was an odd type of nervous, the kind I usually get though I guess, the denile kind, like 'oh it's not really that soon' but it really is. Got ready again, headed back to school. Everyone was so gittery! Soon we were all ushered into order and waited to enter, I saw Anssi while I was waiting! I didn't know he was planning on coming! Eija came too!!! Dancing and preforming went well, I played the xylophone for my music class's song we had been pracicing for this, I play a mean xylophone! I also played a piece on my horn. That went really well, I was really pleased with it! Then the rest of the dance, and dancing with a family member. Then more photos, lots of photos, then free waltz, I waltzed with Anssi and Markku, and friends. Lots of fun! Soon it ended and all the dancers got on a bus to Tampere to eat. Really good food! We all couldn't belive that it was over, and no more dance practices!!! We were all kinda glad about it though, the dances had gotten kinda boring to just repeat and repeat. Then back to the school, picked up by parents, I went with Sanni, and we got ready for the after party!
We got to the party around 12:30-1:00 in the morning. No one was dancing really, just sitting, talking, but I only came to dance, so I did! Lots of fun! We left around 3:00 and went to my house, we practically collapsed when we hit the pillow!!! Good night! We woke up around 10:30, breakfast, and getting ready for our next adventure! Sleepover-movie night at Laura's summer cabin. We made the Oreo cake thing that my parents had sent me. It was a pretty good representation of how alot of the baking happens in America, instructions on the box, packaged and labled ingredients, just add butter, milk, mix and bake (or in this case, no bake) Juha came home around 12 from California, he showed us his pictures of Manhattin from the plane, really cool. Then musta makkara for lunch and later Piia's dad picked us up and brought us all to Laura's house. We jumped in her van and drove to the cabin. She brought her dog Emma, the cutest dog I think I've ever seen! <3 Emma!!! The Cabin was really cute too, I decided later that if someday I have my own place that I live alone in I'd want it to be like that! Just plan adorable!!! We watched scary movies... so many scary movies! And the bathroom was outside so everytime someone had to go we had to make big elaborant plans, 3 would bundel up and go outside so when someone was in the bathroom there would be two waiting outside instead on one just waiting all alone in the dark, then 2 would be back in the cabin so they wouldn't be alone, because we knew the rules of scary situations, once you're alone, you are a gonner! Chicken taco's for dinner! yum! We did watch a funny movie right before bed, Mad Money with Queen Latifah, she's one of my favorites!
Up, we ate the Oreo cakes for breakfast because we forgot to eat them for dessert. Yum! A couple more moives, then we planned to try and go ice fishing on the lake, but we didn't get very far because the keys to the equipment were somewhere at Laura's house. haha So we just ran around the lake with the dog, taking pictures and videos of random things. Then clean up and head out. Home again and I was sooooooo tired!!! School tomorow... Oh no! but what can you do? : P Great week!
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