Warning, I'm feeling really lazy right now, so this probably will be a very short blog even though a ton of things actually happened this week! But I'll give ya the general low down:
School after a busy weekend, wasn't as bad as you would think. I had lots of energy even though I probably was really tired. Messing around in study hall, ya know, the norm. On the bus home a saw a very interesting hair do! It was a guy, with his whole head shaven, but a long haired, rectangle patch in the back. The upper half of the patch was in the form of a long dread lock, the lower half was just hair, but he had it bundled up into a bun and tied using the dread lock. I would never have thought of this hairdo myself, and after figuring it out I wondered why he wasn't wearing a hat in almost negative 30 C!
I got up early today! That's cause my parents and brother Jaker were coming! Flying into Helsinki around 10:30 and I was going to met them, so bus to Tampere, train to Helsinki, bus to the airport. I had found a video on Youtube about transportation from the Airport to the Trainstation, It said you could take the Finn Air bus, the 615, or the 61. I planned on taking the 615 bus, but couldn't find it. I now know that I was looking on the wrong side of the station. But I just jumped on the Finn air bus, paid a bit more money, but getting to the airport just in time to meet them. AWESOME!!! We then got to navigate back to my town, rest, we all were beat, them a bit more than I because they had left 7:00pm the day before Finland time, and we got to the place we would stay around 2:00pm so... Then the rotary meeting. Again AWESOME!!!
After taking our time getting up I took them out to show them around the town. The two centers, the church, local shops, the kirpputori, the big old tree, well we couldn't actually find the tree... Then out to lunch, Kebabs! I had them once before, and this one reminded me that I need to get them more often! Big though, we only ordered two and a pizza for all four of us and we took a lot home with us in a box. Later that night we all, my real family and my host family went to the sauna club, the one with the hole in the frosen lake, and smoke sauna. They all did it, the girls went in the lake 4 times, and the boys one-upped us at the last minute and went 5 times. It wasnt a compitition though!
Took Jake to school. For english class. And lunch. In english class we had a listening test, in that room that reminds me of NASA's headquarters. The test was all in English and Jake took it too. He thinks he failed, but we'll see when I get it back, I got a few wrong I know, but what ever, it's a hard test, and my English is getting weak : P <-- good and bad thing. Then lunch, Jake liked the fact that it was free, well it is great. There were a lot of 3rd graders there, even thought technically, they are done with the schooling part of this school, we all just joked that they got hungry so they came in. Then to the Munkilja for donuts, and Mom and Dad picked us up to go to Tampere. I took them to all the spots I could think of, got lost a couple times, hit up the free bathrooms in the places I could think of that had free bathrooms. Then met up with my host family to go to a hockey game. Tappara vs. Blues. Blues won 3-1, although it was tied at 1-1 for a really long time. And this game seemed much louder and the players a lot fisstier, they kept trying to fight each other, and really that's what hockey is truely about : P
Nothing really special happened today... NOT it was my birthday so pretty much the best, even though I kept forgetting that it was my birthday and random people kept reminding me. I made a short apperence at school, they sang and fed me cake (the best) then I brought in my family cause my mom wanted a picture of all of us. Then we left, went back to the sauna club to take pictures in the day light. There was a man there that answered any and ever question we could think of. Then back home, had pea soup and small minow like fish that had been fried for lunch. Dad spent a couple hours with the owner of the place we were staying learning about their boiler system and general farm stuff. Then we headed off to my next family's house for a visit. They showed us around, really cool place! They have a robot that milks the cow without someone having to touch the cow! Neat! Then to my last host family. <3
Up and out to the market in the center of town, had musta makkara to buy since the people in Tampere had been on vacation. Then we went to Ikaalinen to drive on the ice road, surprisingly I remebered where it was. Mom wasn't so happy about driving on it, but we lived, It actually wasn't that different from the normal roads here because they don't plow all the snow and ice off them, so pretty much the same thing. We also saw some odd activity going on on the lake, so we investigated. Turns out they were having a horse race on the ice, horse and buggy... coolio! But wouldn't the horses slip... Then back home, nobody hated the musta makkara! Then to Roosa's soccer game, she won, and after the game we saw that they were going to play Finnish baseball, so we stuck behind to figure it out... I think we understand it now... Then a big feast and very late night!
Up early, breakfast and left by 9:30 to get to Helsinki by 12, found a hotel and headed into the center. Road the T3 for a tour of the city, then walked to certain destinations, like the big white church, the president's castle, the other church, and various other places. For dinner we had Thai, yummy! Then hopped on the bus back to our car we had left at the airport, and back to the hotel. Card games for a while then turned in kinda early cause we had a 5:00am early morning tomorow cause their plane back home would leave 7:30. It was awesome having them here, the time just flew by, but then again, that seems to be a common occurence in this entire trip!
I'm going to Finland on a Rotary Exchange. This is the adventures of my gap year. I'll be re-doing my senior year of highschool, which yeah seems crazy... "why would you go back to highschool?" Answer: I do what I want! : P
Monday, February 28, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Viikko Kaksikymmentäkahdeksan
Happy Valentines day!!! Here it is called Ystävän Päivä, or Close Friend day, so it's more about friendship then single awarness. My friend brought baked goods in, and we ate them all! Yum. The younger kids in the school were all running around with a big paper heart on a string around their neck, then they would hug each other and have the people that hugged them, sign their paper. It was a cute idea! There was a new girl in school today, she was in my first class. It was weird because I kept asking throughout the day who she was and if she was new or not. No one knew! So weird, because back at my high school it only takes 3 minutes flat for the entire school to know every basic detail about a new student, and my old high school is about 3 times the size of this school. I finally found out last class of the day when the teacher talked to her about getting the school books, so I concluded from that, that she would be studing here, and I guess everyone else did too. Lesson later that day. New bus driver! hmmm wonder what happened to my favorite one? The lesson was great, at the bus stop for home, I'm usually alone waiting, but this time an army boy came to wait too. Weird, but it would be a long wait so I decided to try and start a conversation, It was -30ish degress C, so I jokingly said in my Finnish 'It's just a little cold'.... Nothing, he said nothing back!!! I was so confused... did that really just happen... not even a nod or chuckle... wha... so it was quiet, I was dumbfounded... The bus came, we got on, later I got off, and went back home... wow happy Valentines day!
I had gotten a package from Nana and Pop yesterday with Valentines stuff, so I passed that stuff out at school today, Valentines continues!!! haha The new girl sat next to me in English today, she seems really cool, and oddly not shy. We all chated and didn't do any work because the teacher was out so fun was on the agenda! Bus home and two younger girls got off with Roosa and I, usually it's just Roosa and I and sometimes another boy who walks the other direction from the bus stop. We got ahead of them and Roosa told me that they were 7th graders who wanted to go to Silvi a hamburger joint I haven't been to, but it's by SMarket, about 8 kilometers from my house. I guess they just forgot and accidently rode the bus all the way out here... odd! And it was cold, I wonder if they made it. Got a package from Mom and Dad today! yeah Valentines continues with conversational hearts! Then Roosa and I baked becasue Susanna's father and girlfriend was supposed to come over for coffee, but something was wrong with their car, so we just had to eat all we baked ourselves... oh no! : P
Today we had Dance practice in the morning at the second school we will be dancing at. And for one really easy dance we had to choose a partner from the school, like 11 or 12 year olds. My partner was Laase, maybe 4 feet tallish... but he was really cool, had three pircings in one ear! It was just a little awkward with the height difference, but fun anyway! Then we headed back to school. Henriikka and I went to get something to drink at SMarket, I saw Eija in the check out line! Yeah! Then school, after school was gym, but the 3rd graders were decorating the gym for their Penkkarit, tomorow, so we ended early because who can really spend 75mins in a weight room without going crazy! Then started my adventure to Rotary Theater Night in Tampere. Hopped on a bus, did some shopping for the dance before going to the Theater. We saw Lekaa ja Leivoksia, a comedy. I understood most of what was going on, and it helpped that I had looked it up before hand. Lots of fun! Great evening!!! And I noticed that most of the time in the play they used the written form of Finnish, not slang spoken... I wonder why that is.
Penkkarit today!!! It's the 3rd graders last day of classes, so they decorated the gym, and TP'ed the halls. They taped funny quotes that the teachers had said on those teachers doors. We spent a while reading those, then all filed into the gym where all the 3rd graders were dressed as super heros, and mocked the teachers. They had teachers vs. students test, they had the math teacher and a student do a math problem, and it was set that the student knew the answer and so answered the question really fast, making the teacher look dumb. Same thing with the English teacher. Then when they decided the teacher had suffered enough, the sent them to a 'jail' the whole thing was actually really elaborate! Then they had teachers to realay races against eachother, and a mystery date one, my math teacher asked 3 'mystery ladys' questions through a screen about different things, then had to choose one to go on a 'date' with, he choose my biology teacher, and they had to tango to the weirdest music. So funny!!! Then the cute baby picture slide show of all the 3rd graders. Then they went out and threw tons of candy all over the school, TONS AND TONS, I was picking candy up all day. Then a moive they had put together of their time in this school. Then they all got in two decorated trucks and threw candy at us from there too, then the trucks drove all around the town so they could celebrate... But it was really cold that day so I don't know how they could stand to be in the back of trucks like that!!! Then a dress rehersal for out Elder's dance (Vanhojen Tanssi, which might be spelt with a W and not a V... not really sure anymore) Then waiting... couldn't wait, I was so excited for the dance!!!
YEAH!!!! It's finally here!!! We have been practicing since before Christmas, and now it's here and actually happening. I woke up and got ready, we had to be at school 9:30, Markku picked me up because Susanna had work. I saw Sanni's Dad's van in the school lot, and she was in it, waiting for Jonna, so I jumpped in and we watched all the other dancers arrive in their dresses and hair all did up. So exciting!!! Lots of picture taking, and celebrating, we are now the oldest of the school! We first preforemed for the 1st graders and the middle school. Dancing went well, my dress worked really well, it only could have been a bit wider at the bottom for a longer step capablity. Then we ate, all very worried about getting food on our dresses, then got on a bus to the other school we danced there, then went home to wait for the night dance, the real one, that all our parents were coming for. I was an odd type of nervous, the kind I usually get though I guess, the denile kind, like 'oh it's not really that soon' but it really is. Got ready again, headed back to school. Everyone was so gittery! Soon we were all ushered into order and waited to enter, I saw Anssi while I was waiting! I didn't know he was planning on coming! Eija came too!!! Dancing and preforming went well, I played the xylophone for my music class's song we had been pracicing for this, I play a mean xylophone! I also played a piece on my horn. That went really well, I was really pleased with it! Then the rest of the dance, and dancing with a family member. Then more photos, lots of photos, then free waltz, I waltzed with Anssi and Markku, and friends. Lots of fun! Soon it ended and all the dancers got on a bus to Tampere to eat. Really good food! We all couldn't belive that it was over, and no more dance practices!!! We were all kinda glad about it though, the dances had gotten kinda boring to just repeat and repeat. Then back to the school, picked up by parents, I went with Sanni, and we got ready for the after party!
We got to the party around 12:30-1:00 in the morning. No one was dancing really, just sitting, talking, but I only came to dance, so I did! Lots of fun! We left around 3:00 and went to my house, we practically collapsed when we hit the pillow!!! Good night! We woke up around 10:30, breakfast, and getting ready for our next adventure! Sleepover-movie night at Laura's summer cabin. We made the Oreo cake thing that my parents had sent me. It was a pretty good representation of how alot of the baking happens in America, instructions on the box, packaged and labled ingredients, just add butter, milk, mix and bake (or in this case, no bake) Juha came home around 12 from California, he showed us his pictures of Manhattin from the plane, really cool. Then musta makkara for lunch and later Piia's dad picked us up and brought us all to Laura's house. We jumped in her van and drove to the cabin. She brought her dog Emma, the cutest dog I think I've ever seen! <3 Emma!!! The Cabin was really cute too, I decided later that if someday I have my own place that I live alone in I'd want it to be like that! Just plan adorable!!! We watched scary movies... so many scary movies! And the bathroom was outside so everytime someone had to go we had to make big elaborant plans, 3 would bundel up and go outside so when someone was in the bathroom there would be two waiting outside instead on one just waiting all alone in the dark, then 2 would be back in the cabin so they wouldn't be alone, because we knew the rules of scary situations, once you're alone, you are a gonner! Chicken taco's for dinner! yum! We did watch a funny movie right before bed, Mad Money with Queen Latifah, she's one of my favorites!
Up, we ate the Oreo cakes for breakfast because we forgot to eat them for dessert. Yum! A couple more moives, then we planned to try and go ice fishing on the lake, but we didn't get very far because the keys to the equipment were somewhere at Laura's house. haha So we just ran around the lake with the dog, taking pictures and videos of random things. Then clean up and head out. Home again and I was sooooooo tired!!! School tomorow... Oh no! but what can you do? : P Great week!
Happy Valentines day!!! Here it is called Ystävän Päivä, or Close Friend day, so it's more about friendship then single awarness. My friend brought baked goods in, and we ate them all! Yum. The younger kids in the school were all running around with a big paper heart on a string around their neck, then they would hug each other and have the people that hugged them, sign their paper. It was a cute idea! There was a new girl in school today, she was in my first class. It was weird because I kept asking throughout the day who she was and if she was new or not. No one knew! So weird, because back at my high school it only takes 3 minutes flat for the entire school to know every basic detail about a new student, and my old high school is about 3 times the size of this school. I finally found out last class of the day when the teacher talked to her about getting the school books, so I concluded from that, that she would be studing here, and I guess everyone else did too. Lesson later that day. New bus driver! hmmm wonder what happened to my favorite one? The lesson was great, at the bus stop for home, I'm usually alone waiting, but this time an army boy came to wait too. Weird, but it would be a long wait so I decided to try and start a conversation, It was -30ish degress C, so I jokingly said in my Finnish 'It's just a little cold'.... Nothing, he said nothing back!!! I was so confused... did that really just happen... not even a nod or chuckle... wha... so it was quiet, I was dumbfounded... The bus came, we got on, later I got off, and went back home... wow happy Valentines day!
I had gotten a package from Nana and Pop yesterday with Valentines stuff, so I passed that stuff out at school today, Valentines continues!!! haha The new girl sat next to me in English today, she seems really cool, and oddly not shy. We all chated and didn't do any work because the teacher was out so fun was on the agenda! Bus home and two younger girls got off with Roosa and I, usually it's just Roosa and I and sometimes another boy who walks the other direction from the bus stop. We got ahead of them and Roosa told me that they were 7th graders who wanted to go to Silvi a hamburger joint I haven't been to, but it's by SMarket, about 8 kilometers from my house. I guess they just forgot and accidently rode the bus all the way out here... odd! And it was cold, I wonder if they made it. Got a package from Mom and Dad today! yeah Valentines continues with conversational hearts! Then Roosa and I baked becasue Susanna's father and girlfriend was supposed to come over for coffee, but something was wrong with their car, so we just had to eat all we baked ourselves... oh no! : P
Today we had Dance practice in the morning at the second school we will be dancing at. And for one really easy dance we had to choose a partner from the school, like 11 or 12 year olds. My partner was Laase, maybe 4 feet tallish... but he was really cool, had three pircings in one ear! It was just a little awkward with the height difference, but fun anyway! Then we headed back to school. Henriikka and I went to get something to drink at SMarket, I saw Eija in the check out line! Yeah! Then school, after school was gym, but the 3rd graders were decorating the gym for their Penkkarit, tomorow, so we ended early because who can really spend 75mins in a weight room without going crazy! Then started my adventure to Rotary Theater Night in Tampere. Hopped on a bus, did some shopping for the dance before going to the Theater. We saw Lekaa ja Leivoksia, a comedy. I understood most of what was going on, and it helpped that I had looked it up before hand. Lots of fun! Great evening!!! And I noticed that most of the time in the play they used the written form of Finnish, not slang spoken... I wonder why that is.
Penkkarit today!!! It's the 3rd graders last day of classes, so they decorated the gym, and TP'ed the halls. They taped funny quotes that the teachers had said on those teachers doors. We spent a while reading those, then all filed into the gym where all the 3rd graders were dressed as super heros, and mocked the teachers. They had teachers vs. students test, they had the math teacher and a student do a math problem, and it was set that the student knew the answer and so answered the question really fast, making the teacher look dumb. Same thing with the English teacher. Then when they decided the teacher had suffered enough, the sent them to a 'jail' the whole thing was actually really elaborate! Then they had teachers to realay races against eachother, and a mystery date one, my math teacher asked 3 'mystery ladys' questions through a screen about different things, then had to choose one to go on a 'date' with, he choose my biology teacher, and they had to tango to the weirdest music. So funny!!! Then the cute baby picture slide show of all the 3rd graders. Then they went out and threw tons of candy all over the school, TONS AND TONS, I was picking candy up all day. Then a moive they had put together of their time in this school. Then they all got in two decorated trucks and threw candy at us from there too, then the trucks drove all around the town so they could celebrate... But it was really cold that day so I don't know how they could stand to be in the back of trucks like that!!! Then a dress rehersal for out Elder's dance (Vanhojen Tanssi, which might be spelt with a W and not a V... not really sure anymore) Then waiting... couldn't wait, I was so excited for the dance!!!
YEAH!!!! It's finally here!!! We have been practicing since before Christmas, and now it's here and actually happening. I woke up and got ready, we had to be at school 9:30, Markku picked me up because Susanna had work. I saw Sanni's Dad's van in the school lot, and she was in it, waiting for Jonna, so I jumpped in and we watched all the other dancers arrive in their dresses and hair all did up. So exciting!!! Lots of picture taking, and celebrating, we are now the oldest of the school! We first preforemed for the 1st graders and the middle school. Dancing went well, my dress worked really well, it only could have been a bit wider at the bottom for a longer step capablity. Then we ate, all very worried about getting food on our dresses, then got on a bus to the other school we danced there, then went home to wait for the night dance, the real one, that all our parents were coming for. I was an odd type of nervous, the kind I usually get though I guess, the denile kind, like 'oh it's not really that soon' but it really is. Got ready again, headed back to school. Everyone was so gittery! Soon we were all ushered into order and waited to enter, I saw Anssi while I was waiting! I didn't know he was planning on coming! Eija came too!!! Dancing and preforming went well, I played the xylophone for my music class's song we had been pracicing for this, I play a mean xylophone! I also played a piece on my horn. That went really well, I was really pleased with it! Then the rest of the dance, and dancing with a family member. Then more photos, lots of photos, then free waltz, I waltzed with Anssi and Markku, and friends. Lots of fun! Soon it ended and all the dancers got on a bus to Tampere to eat. Really good food! We all couldn't belive that it was over, and no more dance practices!!! We were all kinda glad about it though, the dances had gotten kinda boring to just repeat and repeat. Then back to the school, picked up by parents, I went with Sanni, and we got ready for the after party!
We got to the party around 12:30-1:00 in the morning. No one was dancing really, just sitting, talking, but I only came to dance, so I did! Lots of fun! We left around 3:00 and went to my house, we practically collapsed when we hit the pillow!!! Good night! We woke up around 10:30, breakfast, and getting ready for our next adventure! Sleepover-movie night at Laura's summer cabin. We made the Oreo cake thing that my parents had sent me. It was a pretty good representation of how alot of the baking happens in America, instructions on the box, packaged and labled ingredients, just add butter, milk, mix and bake (or in this case, no bake) Juha came home around 12 from California, he showed us his pictures of Manhattin from the plane, really cool. Then musta makkara for lunch and later Piia's dad picked us up and brought us all to Laura's house. We jumped in her van and drove to the cabin. She brought her dog Emma, the cutest dog I think I've ever seen! <3 Emma!!! The Cabin was really cute too, I decided later that if someday I have my own place that I live alone in I'd want it to be like that! Just plan adorable!!! We watched scary movies... so many scary movies! And the bathroom was outside so everytime someone had to go we had to make big elaborant plans, 3 would bundel up and go outside so when someone was in the bathroom there would be two waiting outside instead on one just waiting all alone in the dark, then 2 would be back in the cabin so they wouldn't be alone, because we knew the rules of scary situations, once you're alone, you are a gonner! Chicken taco's for dinner! yum! We did watch a funny movie right before bed, Mad Money with Queen Latifah, she's one of my favorites!
Up, we ate the Oreo cakes for breakfast because we forgot to eat them for dessert. Yum! A couple more moives, then we planned to try and go ice fishing on the lake, but we didn't get very far because the keys to the equipment were somewhere at Laura's house. haha So we just ran around the lake with the dog, taking pictures and videos of random things. Then clean up and head out. Home again and I was sooooooo tired!!! School tomorow... Oh no! but what can you do? : P Great week!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Viikko Kaksikymmentäseitsemän
It's the 7th of the month meaning that it has been another whole month since I left New York, and meaning that tomorow (the 8th) is another whole month since I've been in Finland! This month is expecially special, because it is Feburary, the best month of all, and since I left in August, it has been 6months! CRAZY!!! Well my arm really hurt today from bad mitten yesterday, thats crazy too! I had a music test that I should have studied more for... but what can you do. Then spent a lot of the rest of the day sewing it still took me a couple more times to get the zipper right. I got the zipper facing the right way, so I sewed the side of the dress up, then tried it on, but my heart sank when the dress didn't fit right at all, maybe a bit tighter, so I undid one side of the zipper and made it tighter, still didn't fit... dang, then to my relief, sorta, I realized that my zipper was sewed uneven, so it started on one side right under the arm and the other at the waist... haha, so I fixed that and it then fit awesome!!! I only have the hem and a few details left!!! Then I ran so errends, post office stuff, had to get a picture taken for my student travel card (a card that gets me 1/2 price on train and long bus rides) SWEET!!! Then I ran into a rotary man, I always seem to run into him out and about, he reached into his long coat and pulled out a handful of candy for me. awww!!! never say no to candy <3<3<3 it!!!
Day of exploration! I had no test today, but I had plans! Markku picked me up 9:00 to go order my student travel card. There is a rotary district skiing/snowboarding day in early March, I told him I was gonna try snowboarding, he had some snowboards, so we checked if they fit me, they did, and the snowboard is YELLOW!!! Awesome, then he gave me many pointers on how to snowboard, we'll see if I got it soon. Then back home, but not for long cause I caught the 11:30 bus to Ylöjärvi to explore, I've seen a sign for a kirpputori over there that I've been wanting to check out forever, so why not today? As I was waiting for the bus a man pulled over and said he was going to Tampere and wanted to know if I wanted a ride. This has never happened before, and I've stood on so many bus stops, he seemed like an okay person, but I wasn't going to take any chances, I just said 'Ei kiitos' (no thank you) and he drove away (or tried, he got stuck in the slush and it ended up taking like a minute for him to actually leave... awkward) The bus came, I went to Ylöjärvi, found the kirpputori, It was awesome!!! So many great things, and at really good prices! Then went across the highway to Elo, looked around, then to find a way back home, I wasn't really sure about when or where a bus would be coming, so I just sorta wandered until I saw a girl standing at a bus stop. I went over. She said the bus was going to a town past where I live, so I decided to try it. It worked! It was 3:30ish went I got back to my town, so I got off near our kirpputori so I could look around there, and then Susanna would come pick me up after work around 4:00. Amazing adventures! When you fly by the seat of your pants, it seems to always go smoothly.
English test today, over the course of the class we were to read a book, and the test was to write a book report. I had decided to read a Finnish book, and write the essay in Finnish too, half because I wanted to, and half because the teacher said it would be too hard for me to do. Ha, I half think she said that to make me try it in Finnish, or dose she really know me that well... Anyway, my essay might not have been as long or as good quality as the others, but I did it, I also realized so simple words that I really should know but don't like: angry, sad, mean, happy... Why don't I know these yet... I will soon. Then I had band, but wandered around, Tokmanni, grocery stores, picked up my student travel card, because I had a lot of time before Puhalica started. Long day, but good day, and good band practice too!
School started again for the 4th and second to last time! Crazy new period, new classes (sorta) In the morning we got to skip Government to practice our dances, I'm getting really borded of the same dances... Now I just want to dress up and dance them and have it be over, but I guess that's a sign that we really know the dances... Then English class, then lunch and study halls, I worked on my dress, hung out with Laura and Sanni, Then back to the sewing room for actual class. Sanni started working on the vest she is making, and I finnished the hem of my dress, walla, done, and just in time to bring it home to show Mom, Dad, and Nana when we skype tonight, Long skype, great skype, Gotta love skype! <3
FRIDAY!!! Study hall in the morning, I worked in the music room on garage band, I've been in a self course, for a couple months now, but this is pretty much the first time I've actually worked on it. We make music on the computer, pretty cool! It's coming along pretty well! Then lunch, pea soup for lunch, I love pea soup, how would have thought it! First day of new math class, everyone waits right by the door so they can get in the class first to get the best seats (the back seats) My friends and I were the first ones in, so yes we got the best seats : P Then my first Swedish class! The teacher came up to me while everyone else was working, and asked me if I really wanted to take this class (because everyone else had been taking this language for around 4 years now) I told her that I might not understand a lot of what is said in class, but that's not a lot different from the other classes. She laughed, she had really good English! With an American accent, not like most here who speak with a british accent, if I didn't know, I would have thought she was an American! I did actually learn something in class, not what everyone else was learning, but 'Vi åt ärtsoppa för lunch idag' We ate pea soup for lunch today, the truth, and a full sentance, and now I understand where the swedish accent comes from, I just comes naturally when you say swedish words, It's crazy but true! Oh and Juha left on a work trip to California today... lucky, It's warm over there!
Crazy, Awesome, Amazing, Adventurous day! Started really early, earlier than days I go to school! Today I was going to a Rotary exchange student district meeting in Turku. So my train left from Tampere at 10:10, There was a bus to Tampere 7:35, and one at 9:00 that wouldnt get there until 10:05, I couldnt take the chance of missing my train, because buses are often late, and it's my first time using the Finnish train system so I don't want to be in a crazy rush trying to figure everything out! There were two other people on the bus, boy from my class at a school, Joel, and some lady. Joel was headed somewhere by train too. I had a couple hours in the city to kill, but that early on a saturday, pretty much nothing is open. For some reason all the college kids where up and in their party outfits, college students all wear jumpers to parties, and each subject that you might study has a different color. So if you are studying nursing, you might wear a blue jumper, art, a black jumper... ect. And then went you met other college students from different places or feilds of study, you trade patches to put on your jumper, and those are like passes into those types of parties. It's a unique thing, I'm pretty sure really only Finnish, but cool, and for some reason it seemed like everyone on the streets of Tampere, 8:00 in the morning, were in these jumpers... were they still out and about from last night's parties, or were they starting early for this night's, not sure. When I realized that there really isn't anything to do this early in the morning besides McDonalds and getting cold, I went back to the train station, it was really busy in there! I just waited for the next hour or so. At one point there was this really old man in only a winter coat, boots, and a winter cap walking around... Oh no!!! It's seemed too crazy, like something out of a movie. He wandered out of sight down the hall, but when I went to go to the train platform, I looked down the hall he had wandered, and there he was still, He must have dropped something, because he was so ungracefully bent down like trying to pick something up. I was spared, as in he was far enough away that I saw no details, and was able just to laugh, but I saw a poor women no more than 5 feet directly behind him... poor sole. Found the train. It wasn't too hard, found my seat, and we left. The ticket man excepted my ticket and a hour and a half later I was in Turku. Headed to the center to find the group. I was a little late so they had already left, texted the person in charge and she said to cross the river and they would wait for me there. I didn't know where the river was, but asked someone using my awesome Finnish : P And quickly caught up with the group. It was the first time I'd been with them since September, I was a little nervous that they wouldn't accept me because I havent been going, but that was quickly erased. We went sleading and I met our new exchange student additions from Australia and South Aftrica. They are really cool. Then we ate at Hesburger, we all squeezed to fit as many people at the same tables, and had a great time messing around, joking around, taking pictures, going against the quiet Finnish ways... I'm not sure it was so much appreciated by the Finns around us, but it was MUCH, MUCH, needed!!! The crazy party continued to our next activity, BOWLING!!! Messing around, jumping out at people as they were going to roll the ball so they would mess up, and the ball would go straight into the gutter. Great times... Soon good byes, and I hurried back to the train station, found the right train again, my right seat. Then home. Sauna. SLEEP, It had been a long, much needed day!!!
I slept until like 10, then 11, then 11:30 and dragged my butt out of bed. Awesome chill day. It was cold outside, this next week is suposed to be pretty cold too... yeah..... : ( haha, Walked the dogs with Roosa, howled a bit at the half-moon that was out. I was a little worried that wolves or bears or a moose would come out from behind the trees and eat us. But that didn't happen... Good. Watched The Happening, a scary, but not really scary movie where the plants feel threatened, so they release a nerotoxin into the air that makes people kill themselves. Really crazy, but not so much scary because it was plants making people kill themselves... not as skary as, say plants themselves killing people, or making people kill other people. But it still made you think. Then I realized I had math homework... hmmmm.... doing homework... : P
It's the 7th of the month meaning that it has been another whole month since I left New York, and meaning that tomorow (the 8th) is another whole month since I've been in Finland! This month is expecially special, because it is Feburary, the best month of all, and since I left in August, it has been 6months! CRAZY!!! Well my arm really hurt today from bad mitten yesterday, thats crazy too! I had a music test that I should have studied more for... but what can you do. Then spent a lot of the rest of the day sewing it still took me a couple more times to get the zipper right. I got the zipper facing the right way, so I sewed the side of the dress up, then tried it on, but my heart sank when the dress didn't fit right at all, maybe a bit tighter, so I undid one side of the zipper and made it tighter, still didn't fit... dang, then to my relief, sorta, I realized that my zipper was sewed uneven, so it started on one side right under the arm and the other at the waist... haha, so I fixed that and it then fit awesome!!! I only have the hem and a few details left!!! Then I ran so errends, post office stuff, had to get a picture taken for my student travel card (a card that gets me 1/2 price on train and long bus rides) SWEET!!! Then I ran into a rotary man, I always seem to run into him out and about, he reached into his long coat and pulled out a handful of candy for me. awww!!! never say no to candy <3<3<3 it!!!
Day of exploration! I had no test today, but I had plans! Markku picked me up 9:00 to go order my student travel card. There is a rotary district skiing/snowboarding day in early March, I told him I was gonna try snowboarding, he had some snowboards, so we checked if they fit me, they did, and the snowboard is YELLOW!!! Awesome, then he gave me many pointers on how to snowboard, we'll see if I got it soon. Then back home, but not for long cause I caught the 11:30 bus to Ylöjärvi to explore, I've seen a sign for a kirpputori over there that I've been wanting to check out forever, so why not today? As I was waiting for the bus a man pulled over and said he was going to Tampere and wanted to know if I wanted a ride. This has never happened before, and I've stood on so many bus stops, he seemed like an okay person, but I wasn't going to take any chances, I just said 'Ei kiitos' (no thank you) and he drove away (or tried, he got stuck in the slush and it ended up taking like a minute for him to actually leave... awkward) The bus came, I went to Ylöjärvi, found the kirpputori, It was awesome!!! So many great things, and at really good prices! Then went across the highway to Elo, looked around, then to find a way back home, I wasn't really sure about when or where a bus would be coming, so I just sorta wandered until I saw a girl standing at a bus stop. I went over. She said the bus was going to a town past where I live, so I decided to try it. It worked! It was 3:30ish went I got back to my town, so I got off near our kirpputori so I could look around there, and then Susanna would come pick me up after work around 4:00. Amazing adventures! When you fly by the seat of your pants, it seems to always go smoothly.
English test today, over the course of the class we were to read a book, and the test was to write a book report. I had decided to read a Finnish book, and write the essay in Finnish too, half because I wanted to, and half because the teacher said it would be too hard for me to do. Ha, I half think she said that to make me try it in Finnish, or dose she really know me that well... Anyway, my essay might not have been as long or as good quality as the others, but I did it, I also realized so simple words that I really should know but don't like: angry, sad, mean, happy... Why don't I know these yet... I will soon. Then I had band, but wandered around, Tokmanni, grocery stores, picked up my student travel card, because I had a lot of time before Puhalica started. Long day, but good day, and good band practice too!
School started again for the 4th and second to last time! Crazy new period, new classes (sorta) In the morning we got to skip Government to practice our dances, I'm getting really borded of the same dances... Now I just want to dress up and dance them and have it be over, but I guess that's a sign that we really know the dances... Then English class, then lunch and study halls, I worked on my dress, hung out with Laura and Sanni, Then back to the sewing room for actual class. Sanni started working on the vest she is making, and I finnished the hem of my dress, walla, done, and just in time to bring it home to show Mom, Dad, and Nana when we skype tonight, Long skype, great skype, Gotta love skype! <3
FRIDAY!!! Study hall in the morning, I worked in the music room on garage band, I've been in a self course, for a couple months now, but this is pretty much the first time I've actually worked on it. We make music on the computer, pretty cool! It's coming along pretty well! Then lunch, pea soup for lunch, I love pea soup, how would have thought it! First day of new math class, everyone waits right by the door so they can get in the class first to get the best seats (the back seats) My friends and I were the first ones in, so yes we got the best seats : P Then my first Swedish class! The teacher came up to me while everyone else was working, and asked me if I really wanted to take this class (because everyone else had been taking this language for around 4 years now) I told her that I might not understand a lot of what is said in class, but that's not a lot different from the other classes. She laughed, she had really good English! With an American accent, not like most here who speak with a british accent, if I didn't know, I would have thought she was an American! I did actually learn something in class, not what everyone else was learning, but 'Vi åt ärtsoppa för lunch idag' We ate pea soup for lunch today, the truth, and a full sentance, and now I understand where the swedish accent comes from, I just comes naturally when you say swedish words, It's crazy but true! Oh and Juha left on a work trip to California today... lucky, It's warm over there!
Crazy, Awesome, Amazing, Adventurous day! Started really early, earlier than days I go to school! Today I was going to a Rotary exchange student district meeting in Turku. So my train left from Tampere at 10:10, There was a bus to Tampere 7:35, and one at 9:00 that wouldnt get there until 10:05, I couldnt take the chance of missing my train, because buses are often late, and it's my first time using the Finnish train system so I don't want to be in a crazy rush trying to figure everything out! There were two other people on the bus, boy from my class at a school, Joel, and some lady. Joel was headed somewhere by train too. I had a couple hours in the city to kill, but that early on a saturday, pretty much nothing is open. For some reason all the college kids where up and in their party outfits, college students all wear jumpers to parties, and each subject that you might study has a different color. So if you are studying nursing, you might wear a blue jumper, art, a black jumper... ect. And then went you met other college students from different places or feilds of study, you trade patches to put on your jumper, and those are like passes into those types of parties. It's a unique thing, I'm pretty sure really only Finnish, but cool, and for some reason it seemed like everyone on the streets of Tampere, 8:00 in the morning, were in these jumpers... were they still out and about from last night's parties, or were they starting early for this night's, not sure. When I realized that there really isn't anything to do this early in the morning besides McDonalds and getting cold, I went back to the train station, it was really busy in there! I just waited for the next hour or so. At one point there was this really old man in only a winter coat, boots, and a winter cap walking around... Oh no!!! It's seemed too crazy, like something out of a movie. He wandered out of sight down the hall, but when I went to go to the train platform, I looked down the hall he had wandered, and there he was still, He must have dropped something, because he was so ungracefully bent down like trying to pick something up. I was spared, as in he was far enough away that I saw no details, and was able just to laugh, but I saw a poor women no more than 5 feet directly behind him... poor sole. Found the train. It wasn't too hard, found my seat, and we left. The ticket man excepted my ticket and a hour and a half later I was in Turku. Headed to the center to find the group. I was a little late so they had already left, texted the person in charge and she said to cross the river and they would wait for me there. I didn't know where the river was, but asked someone using my awesome Finnish : P And quickly caught up with the group. It was the first time I'd been with them since September, I was a little nervous that they wouldn't accept me because I havent been going, but that was quickly erased. We went sleading and I met our new exchange student additions from Australia and South Aftrica. They are really cool. Then we ate at Hesburger, we all squeezed to fit as many people at the same tables, and had a great time messing around, joking around, taking pictures, going against the quiet Finnish ways... I'm not sure it was so much appreciated by the Finns around us, but it was MUCH, MUCH, needed!!! The crazy party continued to our next activity, BOWLING!!! Messing around, jumping out at people as they were going to roll the ball so they would mess up, and the ball would go straight into the gutter. Great times... Soon good byes, and I hurried back to the train station, found the right train again, my right seat. Then home. Sauna. SLEEP, It had been a long, much needed day!!!
I slept until like 10, then 11, then 11:30 and dragged my butt out of bed. Awesome chill day. It was cold outside, this next week is suposed to be pretty cold too... yeah..... : ( haha, Walked the dogs with Roosa, howled a bit at the half-moon that was out. I was a little worried that wolves or bears or a moose would come out from behind the trees and eat us. But that didn't happen... Good. Watched The Happening, a scary, but not really scary movie where the plants feel threatened, so they release a nerotoxin into the air that makes people kill themselves. Really crazy, but not so much scary because it was plants making people kill themselves... not as skary as, say plants themselves killing people, or making people kill other people. But it still made you think. Then I realized I had math homework... hmmmm.... doing homework... : P
Monday, February 7, 2011
Viikko Kaksikymmentäkuusi
Music class we had the weirdist 'jam' session... we each had an instrament, and symbol, then on the board she drew a big score and put our random symbols randomly. Then took a ruler and we played when her ruler was on our symbol... anything we wanted to play... and we recorded it... it sounded terrible!!! That recording should be made into a CD so we can burn it or at least break it into a billion shards... Study hall I went to the sewing class so I could work on my dress. It's coming along, and there were other students from the middle school there, and one of them was my next host sister Eeva, cool. English we had a test in the language studio... the room that reminds me of the room where they launch ships into outter space... everyone with their own spot and big set of headphones and microphone... cool. Last class of the day (sorta after schoolish) was dance practice, everyone was oddly in a fooling around mood. It was so funny and made practice so fun! Tonight my host sister now, Roosa found out that my cat Charliee, back home, has her own facebook. I didn't think it was that funny, but Roosa laughed about it for hours and called all her friends to laugh with them about it. LOVE YOU CHARLIEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No school!!! It's test week, basically meaning loma (vacation) for all exchange students. I do take some tests but... really... But I did have work to do, blogging, and writing my history essay, and Exchange student things to take care of. There are actually more than you would think. Then rotary meeting! I always love those! But this time I didn't know what the presenter was talking about... he didn't have any written information up, which really helps me, but I also think he had an accent... But awsome time!
No school again! I found out that Phil the groundhog didn't see his shadow, which means spring is on it's way... but dose that mean for Finland too? I guess we will have to see, it's seems like it has been warmer lately, but the weather might just be playing a bait and switch on us. Band today, not too much exciting happened there. And I finally finnished my history essay at 10:00, which was good cause it was due tomorow. I think I work better in cruch time, cause there is no other ways but just to get it done.
School again! We had dance practice after lunch. Before lunch I went to the sewing room and did more work on my dress. After practice most of my friends walked to town where there was a summer job fair going on. I went to Sanni's house. We had a plan to watch all the Fast and Furious movies so when the fifth one comes out in May or something, I will be all caught up. Those movies were actually really good! The 3rd one wasn't as up to parr with the others, but it was still pretty good. Went sledding for the first time in Finland!!! Sanni's little sister Silja and I climbed that hill many times! Sanni held the flashlight. haha SO much fun! Then time for bed... 11:00ish... haha yeah right I think it was around 3:30 when we actually did fall asleep. Sleepovers are the same here, you get very little sleep.
7:00 and we were up again. Caught the bus around 8:00ish, we almost had a 'snow day' because it did snow quite a bit yesterday, but the bus came. They don't actually have snow days here, because the school isnt resposible for getting you to school, but if your bus dosen't come, you get your own snow day. One of the perks of living so far away from school, except you still have to wake up and get out of to the bus stop to wait for the non-coming bus... Dance practice again, but today pretty much no one came. So practice ended early, and I again went to work on my dress. I worked for awhile, then it was time for the zipper. After ripping the same seam out 5 times, I decided I was too tired and ended for the day. Music practice for the test. In the test we have to recongize a number of pieces and write their names, composers, and period they come from. The teacher told me I had to go to this Sami people singing consert that was happening, so I got out of class a little early. The singing was really cool, I think the people put their own, more modern spin on it, but still very cool, ipod worthy! That evening, we went to a public sauna night at this place by a lake. There was a normal sauna, and then the more traditional sauna (smoke sauna) Then there was a dock to the lake, and they have a pump in that part of the lake to keep the water moving so it can't freeze. You get really hot in the sauna, then got to the dock, at that point you still were warm, then get in the water... You are then freezing! The jump out. Still cold... then you sorta dry off and you get really warm again. Then you go back into a sauna. Susanna got in the water twice, Juha, his brother, his brother's wife, and I went in four times, and the last time we jumped in the snow too, and made snow angels (that was the worst, like you were getten bitten by ice, and then you get stuck in the snow and can't get out) but still a lot of fun. Roosa had a fever, so she was just taking picture, proof pictures! Then home and grilling sausages on the fire. Yum!
Slept! And just hung out all day. You can always enjoy a chill day! We also ate musta makkara for lunch, yum (the black sausage I talk about once and awhile) Watched the whole serise(I know that word is spelt compleatly wronge, but decided just to write this note instead of looking up the correct way to spell it, yup, what word describe this action, cause it's not lazyness, cause this note is taking me longer to write than if I were just to look it up... idk you answer) *anyway* of 'Alex Days reads twilight' on Youtube, so he read the Twilight book chapter by chapter, and gave an overview of it, and his thoughts and things (he basically just made fun of the whole thing the whole time) It was really funny, and he had really good points! Then I found Chelsea Lately online, I used to stay up half an hour later every week night just to watch her, and now I remember why! Still one of my favorite shows!
Another chillish day, except in the evening we went to a comunity sports complex, type thing. And played Badmitten for an hour or so. Who would have thought you could work up a sweat doing that! Roosa and I hit against eachother, and Susanna and Juha. Then teams, Susanna and Roosa, vs. Juha and I. (We totally won!) There were very interesting people on the other courts... A bunch of 'oh no' moments, almost or actually worst then that guy who was wearing purple crocs, if Josh or Shelby is reading this... A big man with black shorts and white details... I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, but at second glance it was definate, the white detail on the front, center of his shorts was a playboy bunny symbol... really.... really... oh man. Then headed home, a 20ish minute ride, I must be pretty out of shape because I was already sore from badmitten and could hardly get out of the car, and my hitting arm was hurting! Then I saw that Wipe out, that water obstical course where they make fun of the people too, was on but the UK version... The comments weren't as funny, but people falling off those big red balls will never get old!!! hahahaha Then skyped with Karah!!! Good week, music test tomorow... I should had studyed a bit more, but we'll see... : P
Music class we had the weirdist 'jam' session... we each had an instrament, and symbol, then on the board she drew a big score and put our random symbols randomly. Then took a ruler and we played when her ruler was on our symbol... anything we wanted to play... and we recorded it... it sounded terrible!!! That recording should be made into a CD so we can burn it or at least break it into a billion shards... Study hall I went to the sewing class so I could work on my dress. It's coming along, and there were other students from the middle school there, and one of them was my next host sister Eeva, cool. English we had a test in the language studio... the room that reminds me of the room where they launch ships into outter space... everyone with their own spot and big set of headphones and microphone... cool. Last class of the day (sorta after schoolish) was dance practice, everyone was oddly in a fooling around mood. It was so funny and made practice so fun! Tonight my host sister now, Roosa found out that my cat Charliee, back home, has her own facebook. I didn't think it was that funny, but Roosa laughed about it for hours and called all her friends to laugh with them about it. LOVE YOU CHARLIEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No school!!! It's test week, basically meaning loma (vacation) for all exchange students. I do take some tests but... really... But I did have work to do, blogging, and writing my history essay, and Exchange student things to take care of. There are actually more than you would think. Then rotary meeting! I always love those! But this time I didn't know what the presenter was talking about... he didn't have any written information up, which really helps me, but I also think he had an accent... But awsome time!
No school again! I found out that Phil the groundhog didn't see his shadow, which means spring is on it's way... but dose that mean for Finland too? I guess we will have to see, it's seems like it has been warmer lately, but the weather might just be playing a bait and switch on us. Band today, not too much exciting happened there. And I finally finnished my history essay at 10:00, which was good cause it was due tomorow. I think I work better in cruch time, cause there is no other ways but just to get it done.
School again! We had dance practice after lunch. Before lunch I went to the sewing room and did more work on my dress. After practice most of my friends walked to town where there was a summer job fair going on. I went to Sanni's house. We had a plan to watch all the Fast and Furious movies so when the fifth one comes out in May or something, I will be all caught up. Those movies were actually really good! The 3rd one wasn't as up to parr with the others, but it was still pretty good. Went sledding for the first time in Finland!!! Sanni's little sister Silja and I climbed that hill many times! Sanni held the flashlight. haha SO much fun! Then time for bed... 11:00ish... haha yeah right I think it was around 3:30 when we actually did fall asleep. Sleepovers are the same here, you get very little sleep.
7:00 and we were up again. Caught the bus around 8:00ish, we almost had a 'snow day' because it did snow quite a bit yesterday, but the bus came. They don't actually have snow days here, because the school isnt resposible for getting you to school, but if your bus dosen't come, you get your own snow day. One of the perks of living so far away from school, except you still have to wake up and get out of to the bus stop to wait for the non-coming bus... Dance practice again, but today pretty much no one came. So practice ended early, and I again went to work on my dress. I worked for awhile, then it was time for the zipper. After ripping the same seam out 5 times, I decided I was too tired and ended for the day. Music practice for the test. In the test we have to recongize a number of pieces and write their names, composers, and period they come from. The teacher told me I had to go to this Sami people singing consert that was happening, so I got out of class a little early. The singing was really cool, I think the people put their own, more modern spin on it, but still very cool, ipod worthy! That evening, we went to a public sauna night at this place by a lake. There was a normal sauna, and then the more traditional sauna (smoke sauna) Then there was a dock to the lake, and they have a pump in that part of the lake to keep the water moving so it can't freeze. You get really hot in the sauna, then got to the dock, at that point you still were warm, then get in the water... You are then freezing! The jump out. Still cold... then you sorta dry off and you get really warm again. Then you go back into a sauna. Susanna got in the water twice, Juha, his brother, his brother's wife, and I went in four times, and the last time we jumped in the snow too, and made snow angels (that was the worst, like you were getten bitten by ice, and then you get stuck in the snow and can't get out) but still a lot of fun. Roosa had a fever, so she was just taking picture, proof pictures! Then home and grilling sausages on the fire. Yum!
Slept! And just hung out all day. You can always enjoy a chill day! We also ate musta makkara for lunch, yum (the black sausage I talk about once and awhile) Watched the whole serise(I know that word is spelt compleatly wronge, but decided just to write this note instead of looking up the correct way to spell it, yup, what word describe this action, cause it's not lazyness, cause this note is taking me longer to write than if I were just to look it up... idk you answer) *anyway* of 'Alex Days reads twilight' on Youtube, so he read the Twilight book chapter by chapter, and gave an overview of it, and his thoughts and things (he basically just made fun of the whole thing the whole time) It was really funny, and he had really good points! Then I found Chelsea Lately online, I used to stay up half an hour later every week night just to watch her, and now I remember why! Still one of my favorite shows!
Another chillish day, except in the evening we went to a comunity sports complex, type thing. And played Badmitten for an hour or so. Who would have thought you could work up a sweat doing that! Roosa and I hit against eachother, and Susanna and Juha. Then teams, Susanna and Roosa, vs. Juha and I. (We totally won!) There were very interesting people on the other courts... A bunch of 'oh no' moments, almost or actually worst then that guy who was wearing purple crocs, if Josh or Shelby is reading this... A big man with black shorts and white details... I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, but at second glance it was definate, the white detail on the front, center of his shorts was a playboy bunny symbol... really.... really... oh man. Then headed home, a 20ish minute ride, I must be pretty out of shape because I was already sore from badmitten and could hardly get out of the car, and my hitting arm was hurting! Then I saw that Wipe out, that water obstical course where they make fun of the people too, was on but the UK version... The comments weren't as funny, but people falling off those big red balls will never get old!!! hahahaha Then skyped with Karah!!! Good week, music test tomorow... I should had studyed a bit more, but we'll see... : P
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