Monday, January 24, 2011

Viikko Kaksikymmentänelja

Lunch today was scalloped potatoes... first of them since I got here, I just figured Finland didn't have them because I hadn't seen/eatten them yet. Oh this Finland, always keeps ya guessing! In English class, the kids have started giving their 15 minute presentation on a culture thing in an English speaking country, Sanni and Laura did their presentation on the band Good Charlotte, I'm excited to see everyone's presentation because... well it's just interesting! Then I found out that if I take this one tourism in the world class, we will be taking a 3 day trip to Riga, Latvia. So of course I got the paper with the information about it, most of my friends are planning to go! Awesome! Looks like I'll make it to Latvia after all (since it origanally was suposed to be the country I spent my exchange year in) Dance class, we almost know (and can do) all the dances, It's really cool seeing everything come together!

Today I got the okay from Rotary to go on the Riga trip. YEAH!!! I'm so excited! In English class they presented on Disney, that was really cool to hear about, and they showed a clip from Steam Boat Willy, which I realized I have never seen the whole thing before, well that needs to change! It's on my list. Today for lunch was fish soup... my least favorite, I just took a little, the good thing about fish soup day is that there is always really good bread to go with it, so I ate that. After lunch I had study hall, so did my friend Henriikka, so we went to SMarket, then she went to the Library, and I went on my mission to see Anssi, my last host father, It was great to see him again! I miss that family a lot! I told him about my parents, and brother coming, so we made a plan that I bring them over sometime for coffee. I'm so excited!!! Then I met Henriikka at the Library, we read magazines, until we were forced, by time, to head back to school... even though we both would have rathered to stay. History, still no movie... Caught the bus home. Today Juha took Roosa and I to a hockey game in Tampere!!! It was Tappara vs. Ilves. I wasnt sure who we were rooting for so I decided I'd root for the Ilves because they had yellow in their jersey, Tappara was orange and blue, and had these really bad cheerleaders... so that was my reasoning for the Ilves. Ilves score the frist goal. I got the feeling that the one lady to the right of me was a Tappara fan so I didn't cheer to loud for the Ilves, and Roosa and Juha were quite to. Until Tappara scored their first point, then I realize that I was rooting for the wronge team and switched, traitor, I know, but It's good that I did switch because Tappara won! 3-2. Hockey games here are much quieter! The last one I went to was quiet too, but I thought that was because it wasn't major league. This was, and it was still pretty quiet. Another thing that I thought was really cool. From my seat I could here Finnish, English (and not from me) and Swedish (or German or French) not really great at detecting the difference of those, but I'm pretty sure Swedish. But just the people around me! Really neat, back home you might get English and Spanish... but that's only sometimes! It was snowing on our way home. It seems to snow at least once a day now. So pretty.

In study hall Reetta taught me a new game, on graph paper. Like the game dots, where you try to finnish a square, but intead you each had a symbol (x and o) and you took turns trying to get 5 of them in a row, (like tick-tack-toe) I didn't get the tricks to getting the 5 at first, but by the end I had, and I almost caught up, the game ended at 27, 24 I think, me losing, but it was fun! Musta makkara for lunch again!!! It's been so long since I had it last! Yummy. Meeting about the Riga trip! We are taking a plane from Tampere to Riga, then staying at a hotel there, we visit a museum and some other places, but it looks like we get a good deal of 'Oma aika' own time we just have to have at least one buddy always! I'm excited!!! I started a gym class at the end of the day with all my friends, we played volley ball, (our team was losing pretty badly) then we went to the weight room for the rest of the block to work on our rock hard abs! The term 'liha sika' came up a lot, it means the same as muscle man but straight traslates into 'muscle pig' fun fact. Then Puhallica, I went straight from school, Susanna dropped my horn off and I walked. I got there a bit early so dropped my horn at the place and walked to a grocery store (very close one) and got a roll of cookies and a carton of milk. Yum you bet cha I dunked them cookies!!! You better believe it! Puhallica was good, new music with really great parts for me.

Lots of presentations in English today... Jane Austin, Sex in the City, and Hugh Lauri (from House) I had no idea that Hugh was actually British, and has a British accent and everything!!! Ya learn something new... Then last class of the day was sewing class! I finnished cutting out the fabric for my dress, luckily the teacher helpped. It didn't even cross my mind that I would have to treat the fabric differently since there is a pattern on it... crisis avoided! I can't wait to put it together and wear it! It's fairly simple, four parts that have to be sewn together = my dress, batta-bing, batta-boom. Emailed my travel agent the 3 dates for going home. It's really weird to have to think that far ahead. It's seems like all of my friends birthdays are in early-middle July, so I'm staying till the last one is over, also that's when the second part of the Harry Potter and something, something, is coming into theaters, and since Sanni and I saw the first part of that moive, we decided we need to see the second part together too. So then I'll be home. Weird.

We now know all the dances!!! And I can do them all only with a few mess ups. I need to start practice with my heels, I've decided to wear my kinda tall, but old heels, I've had a lot of practice wearing them and they are farly easy to walk in so. IT'S FRIDAY!!! During lunch the 3rd graders (like the seniors of the school) brought out these two big arm/claw things. The other panting is of our English teacher, as a werewolf... so those were really funny, I'm not quite sure what they are exactly for, but since the 3rd graders will soon be leaving the school to study for their graduation tests on their own, something will happen soon I guess. After school we all walked to Reetta's house for a movie night. Theme... American Pie movies... not so excited about that, but hanging out with everyone was so much fun. Reetta had also made a type of mini pigs in a blanket! They were different, but still, it's the concept! Reetta also has two cats, I made fast friends with them! I miss kitty's so much! They are deffinatly the best! So after enduring 3 different American Pie movies, we all headed home. Roosa was sleeping over at her friends house, so the three of us hung out, and watched the Dudsons in America. This time they were attacking aliens in New Mexico, actually really entertaining!

Sleep! It's so good! Hung out most of the day, got some stuff I needed to done... of course not everything (that's just the way weekends work, you get the time to do everything that you need to, but you never do get it all done.) For dinner we went to New York Resturant in Tampere. It's funny, Josh asked if there are American themed resturant, and there deffinatly are! And with my last host family we went to Manhattan one time for dinner (another New York themed resturant) Of course they are New York City themed, cause practically no one knows there is anything else to NY, but still, It's really cool. And I had the New York burger! REALLY YUMMY!!! It had bacon and coleslaw on it, I think the first time I've had bacon since I got here, I see it in the stores, but no one uses it... I think I was eating bacon almost every other day before I left... hehe. And coleslaw too, but I haven't seen that in the stores. There is cabbage thou... maybe I'll make some for myself at some point. Anyway really yummy burger! Then we bought lottary tickets because the lottary was at the highest it been 7 million €, none of us won... sadness. But maybe thatäs for the best because who knows how your life would change if you won... maybe for the better, but I hear that a lot of the time it's for the worse. Then we watched Putous, the Finnish comedy show, with Munamies, google him, he is adorable, a full grown man stuffed inside a giant white hoody, with white gloves and slippers and hat on, and he is squatting so he looks so small and adorable, and he uses a really high voice somehow... that's got to be hard. But he is so cute and everybody loves him!

Sleep again, last night I decide also that it was time I saw the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's, since that song had been stuck in my head all day, I was a lot different than I thought it would be, but really good. Then today I finnaly got around to watching Saving Private Ryan, so sad, so good, Private Ryan is good lookin' (when he is young, but then he get's old... silver fox... jk) I also saw on TV a history program about the Russian Royal family and their exicution... which made me think, that I don't remember what happened in the movie Anastasia, since I watched it when I was so young. So I watched that after going skating with Roosa, we didn't last long because the ice was so bad, I think because of the snow, then rain, It killed the ice, sad. And then the weekend was over, sad again. But it's always nice to get back to school... somehow.

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