Today was cool, I took pictures as I rode to school for mom so someday I'll get around to uploading that to my blog so you can see it. In sports we played vollyball (lentopallo) so there dad, I have played volleyball. I think I did pretty well... After school I went to the library to renew the one book I vow to finnish!!! It's in finnish, and I'm going to finnish it (k sorry just had to do it!) Then I went to SMarket (one of my favorite places to go in Hämeenkyrö) I mean, they have hamburgers in bags! How could you not love that place? Oh they also have slot machines and if you are older than 15, you can gamble! I'm gonna have to try it someday, someday when I have friends around to tell me if I'm doing it right....
School was school.... but after school I traveled to Tokmanni! and SuperPäivä to find ingredents for the rice crispy treats I wanted to make cause Wednesday (keskiviikko) is offically a month that I've been in Finland! Today is a month since I left New York! Anyway, I heard a rumour that Tokmanni had marshmellows, well if Tokmanni did, I couldnt find it. So I went to SuperPäivä and found big bags of marshmellow-ish candy stuff on sale. On was pink hearts... the other was grayish daimond-shape (which means it's salmiakki) so I went with the pink hearts, cause ya know... I had a feeling that might be more the direction that I'd want to go in. I got home and made them (I had to guess all the measurements cause they have no "cups" here) but they turned out really good! Eija and Anssi were reluctant to try, but they both really liked them!
I packed up what was left of the rice crispys and headed to school. At lunch I grabbed an extra plate in line and after finnishing lunch I broke out the rice crispys! [oh yeah for lunch we had these little green pancake-like things made from spinach and mashed potatoes, the mashed potatoes I swear tasted like they were from KFC!!! man I was in heaven!!!! The pancake things were good too...] (k back to the rice crispys) Everyone at the table really liked them! I then took them on the road and ambushed random people to try them! (It's a good way to make friends : P) It then hit me that it's really weird to me that no one had seen anything like them before... And they all really liked them. hmmm why haven't they ever had rice crispy's before, I mean they have the butter, rice crispys and sorta the marshmellows.... hmmm oh these Finns! I skipped drama class (I'm bad to the bone) I wasn't feeling it, so I went home and relaxed before band. Band was good, so was my lesson after.
Lunch was also really great today, rice with yellow sauce, and the best chicken nuggets I had in years!!! Cafeteria food at Maple Hill needs to step it up!!! And here, it's free! ha.... Later, after school I met with my friend Laura to tour the paper factory in Kyröskoski, they were having an open doors tour. We got to wear these really fly, neon yellow vest, saftly glasses, and ear plugs!!! We were lookn' hot! The factory was really cool, smelt like eggs... And then, after the tour, they fed us! and gave us some candy, and I got a free pen for trying to guess how many pine cones were in a container. It was so cool, and then we rode our bikes up a huge hill to see the water fall, since they opened the dam. It was like a fair/huge party up there! EVERYONE came out to see it! It was so cool!
Oh man TGIF! (that's actually what my friend Piia said) and I was like: how do you say that in finnish? TGIP? and she was like: hmmm I don't know, I alway just say TGIF... wow good story, I'm gonna tell that one at parties!!! After school, and when Anssi came home we went to kesä mökki (summer cottage) I got some pictures of the sunset before my camer started to die, I need to get an addapter for my battery charger *note to self* Antti showed up later, he comes home every other weekend from the army. Then we all left, I was really dark when we were walking/stumbling to the car. But we made it up the hill, finnaly.
Today was a crazy/long/awesome day! Got up at 6:30, cause I had to catch the bus at SMarket at 7:35. Anssi made sure the bus driver knew I was going to the bus station in Tampere (luckily) cause I thought I knew where the bus station was from my previous visits to the city, so when we pass what I thought was the bus station, I started freaking out, pressed the "Stop" button. After the bus stopped, I got up, but the bus driver didn't open either of the doors, I let out a little help me scream/whine. Then the bus driver said "No you go to bus station, this is not bus station" defeated, I sat done in the seat right behind him... The bus station had "Bus Station" in big letters on the top of the building, along with "linja autoasema" oh man.... As I was getting off, and thanking the bus driver, he continued to point to the building we were right next to. "Kiitos Mr. Bus driver, kiitos" (they do tell dumb blonde joke here too hehe)
My bus to Turku came at 8:25. I had no trouble with it, and I didn't try getting off anywhere but the bus station. I arrived in Turku 11:30. Map in hand I navigated the city to the place we were to meet all the other rotary people. I crossed this one city square/plaza thing and a HUGE market was going on! Apples, berries, veggies, fish, bread, anything and everything. It was so cool cause usually I on the other side of the table, selling things, but today I was the "just looking" person. I met up with everyone and talk about all the things that have happened, there were so many similar stories, it was so fun to compair. It was nice to spend the day. We took a bus to Ruissalo. The part we were in was sorta like a park on the ocean. We had makkara (sausage) and leipä (bread) and candy/salmiakki. I'm afraid I'm really coming around to that stuff... oh no, when I go back to New York I'm gonna be outta luck cause I hear you get addicted, and there's no where to get it in New York... Caught a bus back home, got into Tampere around 9, Anssi and Eija were waiting, I was so tired, it was an awesome day. Then I went straight to bed!
Today was also a busy day! I had a little concert in Kyrösköski with my band. It started at 1:30, we had to be there at 1:00, we played two songs and I was on my way back home. I did get a cool band polo though!!! SWEETNESS!!! When I got home I attempted to write my blog, but the website was acting up so I gave up finaly after two trys of getting half-way done, then it deleting everything I had. Technology, Ya love it, ya hate it!!! I spent the next two hours baking chocolate chip cookies for the meeting I had at 6 where I would met my future host parents! I was scooping the cookie dough onto the baking sheet when Eija came out. She looked at them and said "oh, American sized cookies" haha I love it!!! She's so cute, and they were big! The cookies came out really well everyone like them, and the meeting also went really well!!! Everyone was so nice, it's weird to think I'm not just staying here the whole year, but I'm excited for everything! They told me the date I'll be moving. November 20th is when I move the first time, then sometime early to mid March the second time (can't remember exactly which date.) So that's that... Se oli viikko hyvä! (it was a good week)
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